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Beyond our commitment to stunning stone designs, we promise the lasting performance and enjoyment of your stone for many years to come.
Secure your Studio Porcelain surface with a 10-year warranty and experience lasting satisfaction with our stone.
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Laminam Warranty
LAMINAM S.p.A. (Tax Identification and Registration number at the Modena Trade Registry 01969990355) with headquarters at via Ghiarola Nuova 258, in 41042 Fiorano Modenese (MO), Italy (hereinafter referred to as “LAMINAM”), in its capacity as Manufacturer, guarantees its ceramic slabs used in the furniture sector for the construction of kitchen tops (“kitchen countertops”) for private use, for a twenty-five-year period from the date of purchase as per the tax document.
Under this limited warranty, which is additional to the ordinary warranty on the basis of the provisions of Italian law, LAMINAM warrants for a period of (25) twenty-five years that its first-choice (Q1) ceramic surfaces bearing the LAMINAM® trademark, included in the official price list at time of purchase, of 12+ and 20+ thicknesses that are identified by series and colour, used in the manufacturing of kitchen countertops (“Product” and/or “Products”), will be free from any defects resulting from the manufacturing process (“Limited Warranty”).
Under this Limited Warranty, if a defect due to the manufacturing process emerges, LAMINAM undertakes towards the Professional Buyers (as defined hereafter), who sell the Product to his Client for installation in a residence, to replace such Product free of charge with another product that is equal or similar in terms of characteristics, dimensions, quality and quantity, and within a reasonable time. It’s agreed that this Limited Warranty applies where the final owner of the reselling process of the Product is a private customer as defined
pursuant to D.Lgs. n. 206/2005 (“End Customer”).
This Limited Warranty does not apply and cannot be enforced where the defects (including but not limited to: chips, cracks, scratches, and/or stains) reported derive from:
- improper or inadequate use, care or maintenance of the Product and, in general, failure to comply with the indications and recommendations contained in the explanatory maintenance and cleaning manual that accompanies the Product and which is also available on the website by anyone that has the material availability of the Product, including the End Customer;
- unforeseeable circumstances and/or force majeure events including, but not limited to atmospheric events, contamination by corrosive substances (e.g., acid rain), fires, floods, explosions, vandalism, accidents, and any other factor beyond LAMINAM’s control;
- interventions on the Product by the Professional Buyer, the End Consumer or non-authorized third parties and/or not appointed by LAMINAM;
- external factors or interactions such as, including without limitation, impacts, uneven supports or floors, structural settlements or movements, incorrect installation or other conditions relating to the installation location that may have caused the surfaces to move or slip. Consequently, this Limited Warranty does not apply to breakages or chipping of the Product resulting from contact with objects, displacement and/or handling of the supporting structure, settlement of the same or of the floor surface.